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Monday, October 31

I wasn't going to say anything on here
Because there's some moments that feel too private to blog about
But I just couldn't move on without saying a word
Saying a word or two about my Father
Who isn't here any longer
It''s been exactly ONE WEEK
and I might as well have received the news a MINUTE ago.
In spite of the pain, guilt, anger, frustration and all the feelings that come with LOSS...

I sit here and remember
He was ONE of a kind...
And he'll always be a part of me, and ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART.

My dad, not long before I was born.

p.s.  I will be taking a break from the Blog. My family and I are doing fine, we've had the best support from all.


Tuesday, October 25



Hi doll!

--- I'm a current GFC Follower of A2E under: SAUCY | f. | BABY

--- I liked their shop under: Nicole Ordonez

--- I liked this giveaway under: Nicole Ordonez

Thank you for the chance! :)

Nicole, Thanks for entering, you will be contacted shortly with more details.

BIG Thanks to  for Sponsoring this giveaway.

When did you start selling on Etsy and Why Etsy?
We started selling on Etsy since May 2011, it’s sounds a bit late because we started Littledate since 2008. In the first 3 years, managing a retail shop and doing design at the same time took most of our time + energy and we couldn’t even kick off an online platform to showcase~ nevertheless we have been active Etsy users for a long time ~ searching for unique handmade and especially vintage treasure rarely found over the market, wonderful experiences like this really made us decide to join the Etsy community as sellers after quitting the retail this year.

Is this a full time gig for you and what do you love about it.?
We definitely love the freedom to totally dedicate to the one thing we love ~ that is priceless. 
In the mean time, no one takes away our enjoyment and responsibility, it’s all ours. 

If I could only buy one thing from your shop right now, which would you recommend?
Black Wood Yellow Quartz Necklace definitely suits you, bold and chic for a night out~

What was first piece you ever made/sold?
As far as I can remember, my first handmade piece was a necklace ... we found a batch of nicely glazed wood tube beads, mixed them with transparent olive color beads and gold-plated finding, finished with a chocolate woven thread in between each segments. It’s fun to recall the moment of first piece.

What are your plans for the future?
Future plan ... keep the free spirit, maintain a steady growth, try more technique and style, create more product on different categories...afterall no matter what kind of platform we choose to be, we still want to be true to ourselves to design things that we love.

Do you have a workspace? If so, can you share what it looks like?
Yes~ we have a studio / showroom located in a post factory district in Hong Kong. Nowadays, most of these factory buildings are occupied by bands, designers and artists like us~ interesting community. 

Where else can we find your goodies?
Except Etsy, mostly you can find our products on Facebook (Littledate Handmade Accessory) and our blog (mylittledate.blogspot.com) and sooner our website,www.mylittledate.com, will be renewed.

For fun, some fill in the blanks:

I can’t get through the day without ......grabbing a cup of coffee in the morning and coddling my cats before bedtime
I’m currently reading ......Wallpaper the Handmade issue....i guess it is from last month~
My favorite song is ......Damien Rice’s Dogs currently
My dream vacation would be ......Barcelona, Spain

Our brunch recommendation would be ......Frying Pan over Old Bailey st, the Central district. Vicki' loves their Ham and Egg Benedict while Dave loves their All Day Breakfast. It is a 24 hours breakfast restaurant, you can have it any time you want.

The team at work in their studio


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Do any of the following and mention in your comment. +1 ENTRY each

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NOTE: All giveaways open to followers only, so please FOLLOW
Last Entry accepted on Monday, October 31st @ 11:59pm EST.
Winner will be announced Tuesday, November 1st @9:30am EST.
Winner selected using random number generator.




I visited the shop and clicked the like button!

Becca, Thanks for entering, you will be contacted shortly with more details.

Thanks to for sponsoring this lovely giveaway.

For those that didn't win, use coupon code ADDICTED for 15% OFF your purchase at

As always, Thanks to all for entering, following, tweeting, and liking.
More Giveaways coming soon, so continue to check in.

Winner Selected using random.org

Versace for H&M

Monday, October 24

I've never purchased any of the H&M Designer Collaborations.  It's usually a mad house and most of what I like gets sold out quick 
(although you can very quickly find them on Ebay for 5 times the retail price).
What tends to happen is that there's very little I like. 
Which is the case with the Versace for H&M collection.
I'm not sure my life is generally GLAM enough for Versace, maybe I'm not their clientele.
Anyhoo, I checked out the collection preview, and there are 3 dresses I do really like. 
The leather dress above and the silk dresses below.  

 What would your picks be?

Let's get LOUD

Tribe collection from based in Latvia and available on Etsy.

 They design and produce all their fabric patterns, each garment is made due to demand. 

Estimated production time is about 2 weeks.

From $55 and up.
Best part FREE Worldwide SHIPPING.

Happy Monday: Watermelon

Chill Sunday, Sweater and minty green denim. Too bad the hubby thought I looked like a watermelon. 


Zara Sweater and pants
 Old navy booties


Friday, October 21

What you get, when you dine at a place called SALT & FAT. No kidding.
The ribs were so tender, tasty, flavorful. Perfect.
These little pillows of heaven (Braised Pork Belly Buns). I'll be ordering these every time.

  Nothing beats a good meal with friends.

 Other dishes we had, but cos we were starving, wolfed them down without taking pics. 

Gnocchi and Bacon in Cheese Sauce- Sounds so ridiculously rich, tastes so ridiculously good. Its called Crack and Cheese. Everyone's favorite.

Eaten anything really good lately??? Do Share.

Milk Bags

Fashion with a dash of humor.
Someone on Etsy is going to have to make this for me.
Can't even begin to think where you would find them.
Image via Streetpeeper


Tuesday, October 18

I fell in love with as soon as I spotted it. Definitely one of those shops that you simply want everything, from jewelry to stationery. 
William Knopp and Jessica Tata are the team behind this innovative shop. Please read on to find out more about them and their offerings.

When did you start selling on Etsy and Why Etsy?

We started selling on Etsy in May of this year. It was a natural decision to sell on Etsy, having both shopped on Etsy for quite some time. We felt like the community feel and modern handmade aesthetic of Etsy was really in line with what we wanted to do. It is not only a great place to buy and sell, it's also an inspiring and motivating place to browse!

Is this a full time gig for you?
In the last two months, Son of a Sailor has sort of taken off, and we are lucky enough to call this our full-time job now. We each have other part-time gigs that we've been doing as we started Son of a Sailor, but we're really focusing most of our time and energy on the shop. On the side, though, William works on a ranch in the hill country of Texas, as well as for a local farmers market. I am a contributing writer for Apartment Therapy and I also work with my best friend, who owns a jewelry boutique and creates her own line here in Austin.

It's quite a juggling act when I think about it…while SOS is our full-time gig, we each have two other jobs! It keeps us on our toes. Establishing a routine is a goal of ours, but we're really not sure if it will ever happen! We just have to stay flexible and versatile! I think that we're realizing, too, that some times we just have to declare a day off! When you work primarily from home, you're technically always working! Shutting off is hard to do, but also totally necessary.

If Yes, what do you love about it.
That's easy! The fact that Wiliiam and I can sit side-by-side in our home studio and create jewelry and artwork for a living is a dream come true! There are difficulties and stressors in owning your own small business, but the simple fact that I get to be creative on a daily basis with the one I love is pretty priceless.

If I could only buy one thing from your shop right now, which would you recommend?
That's such a hard question! I mean, I suppose that if we didn't want to wear something that we made, we probably wouldn't sell it! But I suppose I do have a couple of favorites…which often has to do with how new something is! My current favorite necklace is the 3D Geometric Chevron in Seafoam Green! But ask me next week, and it might be something entirely different! The thing I wear every day, though? The Lariat Layering Bracelet in black and white with a "J" initial tag. That's two items, but that will have to suffice as my answer!

What was first piece you ever made/sold?
When I was 13 years old, I started a jewelry business with my friend Emily. I'm talking handmade pieces that we would tote around in our Caboodles, and sell at school! As an adult, though? William and I met in San Francisco when he was there visiting my roommate with whom he went to college. She had to work a couple of the days that he was visiting, so he and I traipsed around town for a bit. We went to my favorite thrift/art supply store, Scrap, and brought home a myriad of random craft supplies. That was when we realized that we could sit around for hours doing projects and being perfectly content.

We ended up beginning our relationship that trip, which was a little complicated since he lived in Austin and I lived in San Francisco. But somehow we knew that it was worth it, and thus began 10 months of traveling back and forth. The second time he came to SF, he brought with him a collection of vintage buttons he had found. That was when we created our first Vintage Button Earrings, one of the first items in the Son of a Sailor repertoire. When I moved back to Austin in November of 2010, we began making jewelry on a slightly more serious level, and it really just snowballed from there.

What are your plans for the future?
I think that William and I would both be perfectly happy finding a way to continue creating and making in a way that we can sustain ourselves. If we can pay the mortgage and bills and perhaps stuff a little bit of money away for things like a family and the occasional vacation, we'll be pleased as punch. A little bit of stability goes a long way, but we don't have dreams of taking over the world.

Do you have a workspace? If so, can you share what it looks like? 
We bought a house in March, and after each living in very small spaces, feel like our 1200 square feet is extremely luxurious. We have a great big room that is our studio, and we're slowly making it an organized and inspiring space for creation! We get to spread out, make a mess, and then just close the door if we want to. I've spent years dreaming about having this sort of a space, so it's pretty exciting to see it come to fruition!

Where else can we find your goodies?
Lately, we've been filling orders with boutiques around the world. The first shop to carry Son of a Sailor is Schatzelein (schatzeleinaustin.com), a fantastic boutique here in Austin that showcases independent designers from all over. It's owned by a very inspiring woman, Christine Fail, who also creates her own line of jewelry, fail (). Christine and I have been best friends for over 16 years, and it's been amazing to watch, support, and encourage each other to begin our own endeavors for years.

Since then we've grown a bit and are now carried in the following stores:
Parts & Labour | Austin
Sanctuary | Austin
Amelia Presents | Oxford, MS

and you'll see Son of a Sailor within the month here:
Neon Village | Australia
Victoire | Ottawa, ON
Dots & Loops | Nova Scotia
Majestic | Montpelier, France

For fun: fill in the blanks

I can't get through the day without ……coffee! And William…but only after a cup of coffee! : )

I'm currently reading …….too many books and magazines about weddings. It's pretty fun, to be honest, so I am indulging myself a little.

My favorite song is ……..I'm gonna go with two choices (I'm not good at choosing. I'm a libra!) I have to go old school and claim Say it Ain't So by Weezer! There is never a time that I can't listen to that song and feel happy. Also, You Are My Sunshine. My father bought me a stuffed elephant that plays that song on the day I was born. I still have the elephant, and that song will always remind me of my mother and father, both of whom are two of the most amazing people on the planet.

I'm lusting after
……a vacation! I love my job, but I would love a week off traveling somewhere I have never been!

My dream vacation would be
……We're trying to figure out where to go for our honeymoon, and boy if there aren't a ton of amazing looking vacations that would totally break the bank. If we could do anything? Either a week in a bungalow over the ocean in Maldives off of the East coast of Africa, a getaway to Iceland and Greenland, or a month-long walking trip along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. William did the 400+ mile walk in the middle of a year that he traveled the world, and he has the best stories about the experience--I'm jealous!

And as always I'm a brunch fanatic- Any local Austin brunch recommendation for when I make it over there :-)
Oh yeah! I have to go with Juan in a Million (www.juaninamillion.com/)! It's an East Austin mexican food joint owned by Juan Meza, who has become an Austin icon. He will shake the hand of every last person in the restaurant, and make you feel like you're the best customer in the world. The food is good, but it's not earth-shattering! It's the experience as a whole--not to mention their famous Don Juan taco--it's enough for two meals and costs less than a burger. Delish!
William and Jess


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NOTE: All giveaways open to followers only, so please FOLLOW
Last Entry accepted on Monday, October 24th @ 11:59pm EST.
Winner will be announced Tuesday, October 25th @9:30am EST.
Winner selected using random number generator.


BUSY as a....

Monday, October 17

Somehow, somewhere along the road, I signed up for maybe more than I should have.
And of course the blog has had to suffer for it.
I hope you guys keep stopping by cos I'm hopeful things get back to normal soon enough. 
It might be a new normal. I may not be here as often for a bit, but I'll be here.

In fact, Giveaways are making a comeback.
So, check back in tomorrow at NOON for a supercool ETSY Shop feature and Giveaway.

Thanks guys, means a lot to me.

P.s.  I actually managed to squeeze a few mins for outfit pics, but I was so tired, that I couldn't even "Smize". Can't believe I'm using Tyra words. That's what its come to.


Tuesday, October 11

Bringing together two of my passions: Law and Film.  I joined the Forum team recently and I'm really excited about the upcoming Forum Film Festival.  Please stop by if you're in the New York area, hope to see you there.  Click below for more info and tickets.

Forum Film Festival
October 14-20 @ Lincoln Center

for more info visit forumonlawcultureandsociety.org


the 2nd Annual cariBBeing Film Festival
Brought to you by the amazing Shelley Worrell

from on .

cariBBeing Film Festival 2nd Edition
October 28th - November 18th 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Monday, October 10


from on .

from on .

Today's Crave

Friday, October 7

Take Home with you, wherever you may go.

vintage travel pendant sterling silver necklace charm personalized by ; $64

Not Tuesday

Thursday, October 6

from Sydney, Australia

Not your everyday pencil

Wednesday, October 5

Could be such a cute gift. A much needed upgrade to the everyday pencil.

$12 for a set of 9 pencils, at .

100% recycled

Tuesday, October 4

Statement Jewelry and Green too. $28 and up.


This blog should be called addicted to all things colorful.

HAPPY MONDAY- Summer in Fall

Monday, October 3

Never too late to wear a bright summer dress in Fall. 

Dress- ASOS
Bag- Nine West
Boots- Aldo
Jacket- F21
Hat- H&M

HERE we go again...

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