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The OLYMPICS are coming

Thursday, July 26

There's not that many things I get out of my mind super excited for on TV  anymore. But with the Olympics, I may just have to get Cable back up. Just so I could watch every single competition on all the stations late into the night. I dont care what it is. If people are competing for Olympic medals, I wanna watch it. I wonder if London is feeling the pressure after the "out of this world" opening ceremony in Beijing 4 years ago. If all goes as planned I'll be watching the Opening Ceremony at Madiba. This South African restaurant is definitely a must if you're in Brooklyn.

Looking forward to track and field: Team Jamaica of course; Christophe LeMaitre, Ryan Lochte, US Gymnastics, Senegal & Brazil for football, Diving, volleyball and a host of others. Check out some of the teams in their kits.

Are you as excited about the Olympics and what events are you looking forward to?


Wednesday, July 25

So I have received a few emails regarding my hair for the most part and to a lesser extent, my general beauty regimen. I decided, what the heck, I'll just overshare. First thing I realized. I use a few more products than I thought I did. Second, I own 1 (one very lonely) lipstick. It's Tarte Lipsurgence in fiery. Third,...well, how bout we just see what I found.


I have a few more hair products than seen here. I use the Shea Moisture Shampoo all the time together with essential oils like tea tree and rosemary for my scalp. If my hair is particularly dry, then I'll use this DIY Whipped .


SPF ladies, and just cos you're dark skinned doesn't mean you should do without. I believed that for the longest time. I actually purchased Josie Maran's Daily moisturizer when I was going away for cruise as it is 40SPF and I read lots of good things about it. I usually don't spent too much money on stuff like that. It's been brilliant on my skin, hasn't caused any extra breakouts (other than the ones I hormonally get).
The Garnier dark spot corrector is a tricky one. I have been using it to clear up my acne spots> I dont know if I'm just dreaming it up but I really think its working. This is my 3rd tube which I have luckily been always able to purchase on sale. I did try Clinique's dark spot corrector and got an allergic reaction (shocking). So, I'm just happy this one isn't making matters worse.


I love all things CITRUS-y, hence the grapefruit soap and lemon body creams. I just purchased C. Booth Lemon sugar body lotion and I am in LOVE.  The Vichy is 50SPF for these 90degree plus days we've been having or outdoor (beach) days. I really like this one. It works and I haven't had a reason to try something else.


Have I mentioned how much I love citrusy scents? This Hesperides by Fresh is the only fragrance I have ever owned. I refused to buy perfume for years just found everything too heavy and I would actually get a sneezing fit around perfume counters.

Moving on, unfortunately not well photographed are my mainstay makeup items.
Black radiance mascara that I get for .99cents, and seriously the only mascara I use. I've wasted so much money on mascara that didn't quite grab my short and thick curly lashes.
I bought the blush cos I saw some girl of my complexion try it on and then I became a believer- dark skin girls can rock blush. It's only for the rare occasion though.
The other mainstays are my black opal cover and clear concealer, my recently purchased and loving HD powder. (I kid you not, my girlfriend saw me at the end of long workday and she commented that my face still looked uber fresh). Disclaimer: the small container is hard to use and can be messy. There's a bigger container but at time of purchase, I didn't want to spend too much (me and my frugal ways). Another tidbit, a little bit is all you need, if you overapply and you're of a darker complexion, you may end up looking a tad ghostly.


Who am I kidding? I notice my fingernails, twice a year and then I buy nail polish which I never use. I do like these colors I picked up and they'll work for my pedis. Oh and that little kabuki brush is from Ecotools at drugstores everywhere...super affordable and all you need.

So, pray tell
what do you use out of habit?
What do you use cos you think/hope its working?
and what do you absolutely SWEAR by....
Please share.

Boycotting Fall/Winter

Lookbooks, that is.
Above is J.Crew's.
I refuse to believe we are at that point already.
I haven't had my fill of summer
I know I complained about the heat, I promise not to do that again.
But...I'm saying NO NO NO....
eyes closed, hands over ears, kicking and screaming.

Quick UPDATE: NY Times 36hrs - Winners

2 winners- why NOT.
From the new batch of entries our winner is
Entry #27: Natasha
From previous entries, our winner is 

The best gift I ever got was my proposal from my husband at Thanksgiving Dinner at my Parents house with all my siblings there

Emails have been sent out detailing how you can claim your gift. 
You can also forward your mailing address to me at .

Thanks ONE and ALL.

P.S.: It's a crazy week so I'll share this before I forget.
The lovely Bee Lola just sent this to me:

"I was wondering if you would do a feature of this young, Cameroonian designer. I have had the privilege of buying from her, and I loved her work. She is trying to raise funds for her Spring 2013 line... on Kickstarter"
See Kickstarter video below and more info here.


Monday, July 23

Learning to smile more, laugh more
Being more appreciative, being more kind
acting silly, choosing Happy.

Always Remembering, tomorrow is never guaranteed.

The frustration, the stress will always be there I promise you.
If it's not this thing, its the next and everybody's dealing with stuff.
So, push the negativity away, get a big hug from a loved one (yourself counts)
and have yourself a very....


Tired of Color?  me, NEVER
Blazer, Top, Earrings: H&M
Necklace: Etsy
Shorts: J.Crew
Sandals: ASOS
HeadTie: belt from dress
Bag: Zara

Pretty Origami

Very unique and original touch for the home. I would love one of these in my bedroom.
As it stands, I refuse to share the details of my current ceiling lighting situation.
No bueno.

Lovely Origami lampshades
From $80, by

Now Listening TOYA DELAZY

Sunday, July 22

Don't usually visit artist websites but I checked hers out and glad I did. 
I would tell you more about her but she describes herself so well in her mini Bio:

"Yo Wadup! My name is Latoya Buthelezi musically I go by Toya Delazy. Just to be upfront I am crazy in that buck sort of way and I have had one of the most amazing journeys while living this life. So where do I begin? Zululand, in the country of South Africa, that’s where I was born, yes! The fierce fire of Shaka runs through my veins and I trudge over thorns and put out fires with my bare foot, lol, right! Actually I come from a humble upbringing went to boarding school at the age of 6, a convent hostel that is, so I can recite the entire Hell Mary (!), rather the Ave Maria in one giant yelp and backwards. Thanks to my convent school too I was introduced to my love for the piano - but that is about it… 
Skipping past the primary phase I’d rather talk about recent highlights than detrimental school yard funk. University in 2009: Howard College Durban. I chose to study Jazz piano, best choice of my life - although I failed the first year and was encouraged to give it up but hey! No one tells me what I cannot do, I was just going through a rough time, talk about encouraging a sister instead of breaking her down geez, tough crowd!..."

Read the rest here.
Then, watch and listen to this fun tune.

....and yeah the outfit and colors (u'll see what I mean)
completely coincidental.
I was gonna post about her a while back and then found photo today and we rocking similar outfit.
I didn't even notice till the hubby pointed it out.
I'll just chuck it up to "great minds"...

P.S.: I'll be announcing GIVEAWAY WINNER shortly...

Worth Watching

Wednesday, July 18

I usually keep things pretty light on here.
However, that can't always be the case.
Baseball in The Time of Cholera is a powerful insight into the tragedy and scandal of Haiti's Cholera epidemic through the eyes of a young baseball player. 
I should warn you, it's moving and graphic, but it's important all the same.

from on .

Ishkadesigns: Transformations

Tuesday, July 17

Really happy for our friends of Ishkadesigns.

First, they were recently honored as one of
 Pink Eggshells Top 20 African-American Interior Designers for 2012.
And now there's the brilliant outcome of their recently completed project.
Taking a neighborhood Brooklyn restaurant FROM THIS:


Can't wait to visit and check it out for myself.
They've been doing such great work.
Open, bright, airy and modern.
You can find more on the transformation on Ishkadesigns blog.
Times like these, I'm so envious that I don't have a creative bone in my soul (atleast not in this way)

Elberta has announced a Brunch menu coming soon, so you know where I'll be.

Apple meets Della

Monday, July 16

So we aren't the only ones who noticed Della.
Apple apparently also did and they have now partnered with Della
to make MacBook Cases to be sold exclusivley at Apple stores in LA and NYC.

Pretty MAJOR.

Happy Monday: Leftovers

Breathing a sigh of relief.
Feeling settled again
It's funny how when things get crazy, all you want is a little time off, a little time away.
Of course, when you return from your time off, you realize you're right back where you left things and there you go trying to play catchup all over again.
But I'm not gonna complain ...just saying.

Here's a few more sights and scenes from Montreal trip.

How as your weekend?

Now Listening: Iyeoka

Friday, July 13

Now in heavy rotation, I've got Iyeoka.
Love her voice and spirit.
This Nigerian -American lady and her band () deserve more fans.

If you do nothing else, watch & listen to vid below:

from on .
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