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Wednesday, October 31

These pics were taken before the storm.  The block looks a little different right now. As always, I clearly hadn't been paying attention, cos all of a sudden, I looked around and was surprised to see that the leaves had all turned (seemingly overnight) and they were on the ground. Even though I complain about the weather quite a bit, I love that the seasons change. I doubt I'll be able to get away with no tights any more, the ship has sailed on that one.

Here's to making the most of each day.

Aldo sandals (from several seasons ago)
Necessary Clothing blouse and skirt (can't remember but think $29)
Jewelry: H&M  all under $10
Bag: Zara  $35

UPDATE: I hear you guys about the hair, too funny. Not ignoring, still trying to figure out vlogs. HELP!!!

two strand twist, natural hair, twist out, afro, natural, black hair


Tuesday, October 30

It's been a very tough week for so many on the East Coast because of Hurricane Sandy. As most of you already know, New York and pretty much the tri-state area has been hit really hard by this storm. I hope everyone out there and their family and friends are doing Ok. I'm fine, and so are my friends and family. Besides some downed trees on the block, my neighborhood made it out Ok.

I worked at the evacuation shelter closest to my home this weekend and I have seen evacuees be strong and resilient, much stronger than I think I would be in the situation.

It's time to be a lot grateful as I know many people lost their homes, their cars and even worse some lost their lives. Keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.

I'll see you soon. Take care all.

UPDATE: Want to help hurricane victims, see here.


Sunday, October 28

WOW, people sure are fast. By the time I ran into Target yesterday afternoon, pretty much all of the Nate Berkus for Target collection was gone. That's what you get for being a week late. There was still some stuff, but most of what I wanted to check out was sold out. I had to tell a tiny fib to the hubby that I was headed to an entirely different aisle, cos it really wasn't that kinda shopping trip (there's a storm headed this way).

Already found a space for them:

So, were YOU able to grab anything?


Yeah, so I kinda went M.I.A. there.  I normally blog pretty much everyday and didn't realize how much I would miss it. It seriously hasnt been that long and yet I feel like its been a mini-eternity since I sat down to blog. 

Of all weeks to get crazy, it had to be this one. The lovely Hallie of Courvesier extended an invite to me to attend Gabrielle Union's birthday celebration. And I love me some Gabi and can you believe I had to skip. I died a little bit inside when I saw the fab event Courvoisier threw for the tres fab Gabi.

all images courtesy of Courvoisier

I can't wait for my schedule to open up in a few months. I have been close to unable to attend most anything these past few months (besides a quick stop at a HappyBlackWoman event and a tasting at DeliciousEndings, both were well worth it).  But this craziness will be over soon enough and then I'll be able to hang out with my girlfriends a little more cos at this point, they may have slowly but surely started deleting my number (you know when you start feeling like you've not been a very good friend).

Anyhoo, this is all temporary, so bear with me while I get things sorted.  My intention is to keep blogging at close to 100%- that's the goal. 

And that giveaway I've been talking about, its coming October 30.... and cos I've said it, it has to happen. 


Friday, October 26

I guess it doesn't matter how you discover new music as long as you do. I was busy killing time on ASOS, when I clicked on runway preview and this song played for all of 15 seconds. That song was this by Sarah Williams White ("SWW"). Funny thing is on the Youtube comments, almost half the comments mention they heard the song on ASOS. Here's your introduction to London based Sarah Williams White:


Monday, October 22

Hey guys, hope you all had a lovely weekend. It was ridiculously beautiful in the city. I was so certain we were done with close to 70degree weather but the weekend proved me wrong. No better time then to finally try on the Maggy London dress I grabbed at TJ Maxx for $16. I normally don't wear asymetrical dresses, for some reason, its not something I naturally navigate to. But the print on this dress and who am I kidding the $16 pricetag were more than enuff. I have this new rule of not buying things on sale simply because they were on sale. Quite happy that this is a keeper.

Still a tad chilly so I threw on some socks with my sandals (another boarding school reminder) and a blazer I can't get rid off. It's crazy how many new ones I get, I still love this old beat up one.

Heads up, Super cool giveaway in the works...so stick around.

two strand twist, natural hair, twist out, afro, natural, black hair


Friday, October 19

Mums raised me on a healthy dose of Motown and Sam Cooke was my favorite. I may sometimes waiver on the question of a favorite song. It's such an impossible thing to answer. But when I really think of song I play the most, track I've listened to the most, or which song I spontaneously start singing in the shower, in the kitchen, on a rainy day, the one that never gets old, it would be this one: Bring it on home to me. 

Sam Cooke, much too talented and gone much too soon. He was only 33. Atleast we still have his music.

Thats all FOLKS. Have a nice weekend.

SHOP LOVE: Vanda Fashion

New Etsy Shop worth knowing:  
Exclusively designed by a pair of sisters in Israel. Pieces from $35 and up.


Thursday, October 18

So just as promised, the few pics I could salvage from my first trip to HomeGoods. 

Headed out, it was wet, chilly and the kind of rain that you actually feel a little silly for pulling out the umbrella. It drizzles into your eyes and mists your face but its not pouring. Silly with umbrella, uncomfortable without. I managed to do both. Opening and closing the darn thing every other minute. Anyways, it really wasn't that serious, made it to HomeGoods with barely a damp sweater.

I loved this. Funny thing though, I don't remember the price, just remember thinking, who would give me space to put this in it.

This was an armchair, I've been looking for a bold black and white armchair like this. 

For the longest time, I wanted mirrored side tables in bedroom, finally gave in and got a mirrored console for the living room. It better live up to my imagination.

I wonder if my shoes gave away that I'm feeling animal print.

Mine for $12, reminded me of my pillows. Undecided where it'll go

I think the location I went to wasn't one of the biggest; selection was somewhat limited and some of the items were very much what I've seen at Marshalls and TJ Maxx. I yelped a few other locations that aren't too much out of the way and next time will make sure to check out one of the bigger locations. 

F21 jacket: $39
UO Leopard print booties:  $59
Uniqlo Jeans
Gold Sweater Vest $19 (random, can't remember name NYC street store)


Tuesday, October 16

ONE:   Thanks Real Simple Mag for letting me know that Target is releasing an uber affordable set of brass flatware. Not quite the gold I wanted, but who's complaining at this price.

:   One of my fav bloggers- have followed her since forever was so kind and sweet and featured me, its kinda a big deal to me, she has no idea. Please head on over to The FeistyHouse, mainly to just check Krystal out. It's really not about me.

Krystal Knight of TheFeistyHouse

THREE:   I might be late on this, but I just found out that to celebrate their new site, J.Crew Factory is having 30-40% OFF Everything, and I mean NEW arrivals and all.

FOUR: Many people email me questions about blog designs and such. I can honestly say, I had alot of help in that area and these days I just ask the hubby to handle most of it, as playing around with headers, image sizes, borders etc can be time consuming. So for all those who still need help, you should check out MerelyMarie. She's not just a blogger, she's also pretty fab at blog designs.

LAST:   but not least, I think I am giving up on multi-tasking after burning my last 2 home cooked dinners. My poor mum must be shaking her head if she's reading this. I almost forgot about last night's mishap until I returned home this evening and was welcomed by the still somewhat present scent of burnt pot (as in cooking pot, get your minds out of ...).  So on that note, I'm going to go make something to eat, and this time, I'm gunning for edible. CIAO!!

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