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Friday, May 31

I love blogs, I really do. My google reader can attest to that. One of the first blogs I ever became totally and completely addicted to was runningmommy by Kera Thompson. I have followed her tales and travels (so funny, so insightful, so honest and relatable) since then and continue to do so on her new blog Deep Down.

You can't help but fall in love with her style and grace. What more can I say about her?  I could go on gushing. I am so pleased to announce that she has started an exciting new venture; one that I couldn't wait to share. With Interwoven, you get unique artisan pieces for your home from all over the globe and might I add at a great price point too.

From the Interwoven collection: Handmade, Hand embroidered Wool Kashmiri Rug 
And if you love what you see, you're in luck cos she's having an Instagram giveaway and it's pretty easy to enter.  
  1. Check out the Interwoven website  
  2. Like them on  
  3. Follow them on - and repost your favorite image from the feed. Tag @interwoven, hash  tag #weareinterwoven and include WHY YOUR SPACE NEEDS INTERWOVEN in your post
  4. Private IG accounts must leave a comment on this post. 
Last but not Least, Kera has been generous enough to offer you guys, my blog readers a special one week code: SIMPLYCYN, for a massive 25% OFF ending on the 5th of June at MIDNIGHT, Eastern Standard Time.

And by the way, the Instagram Contest ends in two weeks. Good luck!


Thursday, May 30

Oh Paris, how I love thee. Even when you are chilly and wet. It was definitely colder than I expected, although on our last day in Paris, the sun came out full blast and it made it almost impossible to leave. I have been meaning to post a recap for a few days now but its almost impossible to sit down on a computer when you're on vacay (its almost all over...NoooOOO!!) , I did however mange to post some pics on .

My fave part of Paris was getting to spend time with friends, chatting and eating and eating and eating. My study abroad roomie who always thinks ahead, grabbed us some passports seen below for the 2nd annual Heures Heureuses (Happy Hours). The concept is so brilliant I hope it makes it to NYC. Basically between the hours of 5.30pm and I think as late as 9pm, several bars, restaurants, bakeries, cheese shops etc in the different arrondissements have special 2Euro tastings. Below are some of pics of what we tried out. We were giddy as kids each time we got a stamp in our passports indicating which places we had visited. If I had the time and the stomach for it, I would have gone on a crazy marathon to visit every single one (not recommended cos they're literally hundreds).

Next time: some Amsterdam pics.
Catch ya soon.

P.S.  Thanks to all those who entered Amy Stewart's giveaway. Winner has been announced.


Wednesday, May 22

I'll be stepping away for a bit. 
I'll do my best to keep you guys updated.
So don't go anywhere...


Tuesday, May 21

It's been a little while since our last giveaway and I'm so happy to finally have one with Junghwa. I can't stop wearing her necklaces since I got them and I know you guys would love her jewelry too. Let's meet founder, designer and all around amazing lady, Amy Stewart of .

When did you start selling on Etsy and Why Etsy? 
I opened my etsy shop January 2010. I have been designing for most of my life and always knew that someday I would be doing something in that arena for a living. I just didn't know when. My sister (Myra Callan of Twigs & Honey) had been pushing me to do something for sometime and I finally went for it. It was really nerve wracking to put my personal designs out there for the public to see but they took to it well and so here I am. 

Is this a full time gig for you? Yes, I do this full-time. What I love the most about being self-employed is the schedule. I am generally very busy all the time but I can usually make time to take off a day when needed. Also, there is no clock to punch which is good for people who tend to run late like me. The drawback is that I don't have a schedule so those days that I start late I usually end up working until 2 or 3am.

If I could only buy one thing from your shop right now, which would you recommend? 
My favorite piece is my ! I made one for myself and have been wearing it everyday for months. I made one for my sister and mom and we all wear them together. My favorite statement piece is my . I also wear that constantly. I know you asked for only one but that's too hard.

What was first piece you ever made/sold? 
The first piece I ever sold was a set of satin cord bracelets with charms. I thought they were so sweet and cute.

What are your plans for the future? 
My future plans are to expand my business to include a clothing line. I've been sewing for a long time now so it only seems natural to go in that direction.

Do you have a workspace? 
My main workspace is my home office. It has a masculine feel but with some girly touches. I would love something an ultra luxe space but with having a 2 year old running around I have to keep everything up high.
(pictures would be very appreciated) I will have to get some photos to you. I don't have any right at the moment.

Where else can we find your goodies? (website, FB, stores etc) 
My Etsy shop is currently the main place that you can buy all my items. I have a website that is under construction. It will be relaunching in a few months and I will have online shopping available there as well. I have retailers around the world that carry my pieces. A few current favs of mine are Haven Style House in Chagrin Falls, OH and ByEmilyB in New London, New Hampshire. I also post lots of sneak peeks on Facebook and Instagram.

Love women starting their own businesses. Any advice for those thinking about starting their own business? 
My best advice is set high standards for yourself and your brand. I see so many people out there who skip all the hard work and just copy the work of designers. I feel that those people may start off strong but quickly fizzle out. You have to do the work if you want to be around for the long run. And do what you enjoy and are good at. If you don't enjoy it, it'll just be another job and not a career. 

For fun: some fill in the blanks
I can't get through the day without ...... giving my son a million kisses. I know that someday he'll be embarrassed by mommy so I'm trying to get them all in while I can. Oh and Instagram. I'm always on it.
I'm currently reading....... its terrible but I don't read a lot of books. The last one I read was Twilight... I think. I would love to get back into reading but I get easily distracted by work and family, so I end up reading the same page over and over.
My favorite song is ........ Black by Pearl Jam. Its always been and always will be my favorite song.
I'm lusting after ...... the Celine trapeze bags. They are just gorgeous! I told my husband that I will be treating myself to one of those when my website relaunches.
My dream vacation would be ...... a month long trip to Italy. After I learn some Italian. 


a Big THANK YOU to Amy Stewart for Sponsoring this Giveaway!

As always entries using Rafflecopter to keep things easy.
Remember: Giveaways are open to Blog Followers only, so please FOLLOW.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Monday, May 20

Hey guys, what a crazy weekend that was. From the drizzle to the rain and then to more rain, yeah crazy uneventful that was. Thank goodness for those few bright moments Saturday morning. I was finally able to try some new hair products, stop by my favorite pizza spot (more on all that on ). And now, I'm trying my best to pack. I hate packing, love going places, hate packing. For some weird reason, it stresses me out. Anyways, it's back to work now and as always I'm in pure shock at just how fast 48hours can go.

Business in the front, party in the back

P.S. Check back in tomorrow for a cool giveaway.  Laters!!!

Zara skirt  $29
Frontrowshop tank $25
Misc. jewelry: H&M


Thursday, May 16

ASOS has been doing these AFRICA collections for a while now. I'm not quite certain what year it began but the Summer 2013 collection is available now and this time it was produced in collaboration with SOKO Kenya, which means every piece was handmade in Africa. From $42 and up.


Wednesday, May 15

Her jewelry just keeps getting prettier and prettier. 
Arrowhead rings, earrings and necklaces from $20 and up.
Purchase .


Sorry for the lack of a Happy Monday post, but this past weekend was all about Mother's day and family related activities. I however had these pics I didn't get to share previously from a few weekends back. Just taking in a beautiful day and snapping shots of graffiti along the way.

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