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Wednesday, October 30

Stunning Ilustrations by Sharee Miller. I am in love with every single one of them. 
Visit her blog or shop her store


Tuesday, October 29

Top: ,  ,  
Middle: ,  ,  
Bottom: ,  ,  


Monday, October 28

Someone is stealing hours away from me, there's no way I'm getting 24 hours a day. I feel like there's only 15 and that I sleep for about 4 of those. I miss the days when I was 12 and it felt like an eternity to get to 13. I'm barely used to writing 2013 and soon it'll be 2014 (W.T. Heck). But I digress. 

Anyhoo, quick thanks to Allen&Fifth for the T-shirt. Please check them out, they have an awesome collection of t-shirts and I just love what they're doing.  I'm gonna run go find my missing 9 hours. Wish me luck.



Sunday, October 27

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to everyone for entering, liking, following, tweeting etc. 
Your continued participation makes Giveaways like these possible.


Friday, October 25

Kelala might be about to seriously blow up.  She's already collaborating with Solange (Knowles) even though it feels like she just came out of nowhere. This is dance music but more pop-friendly, which means there's R&B sounds mixed in there with some electronica and if it sounds like it's all too much, it isn't, it just works. Also don't expect powerhouse vocals à la Mariah or Beyonce, Kelala is alot more quiet, more falsetto and just strong enough for what she's doing.



Thursday, October 24

Well, sort of. I think I might need more than one post before I go around calling myself that. The more accurate term would actually be travel curator and I'm so happy to have joined the Travel Noire Team as a contributor. If you don't know much about Travel Noire, then you should run over there now. First, because you want to read my sorta love letter to Montreal and Second because it's a dope site and oh so pretty too. Nuff' said. What are you waiting for?


Tuesday, October 22

I was intrigued when I heard about Soko cos its a little different from what I expected. Soko is actually the e-commerce platform and not a specific design line. This platform, the first of its kind (i'm told) enables artisans in Africa to create and manage online storefronts, sell to global shoppers, and get paid directly, all using a simple mobile phone even if they do not have access to a computer or a bank account. If there's anything we know Africa has a lot of, it's mobile phones.

The Soko solution transforms the mobile phone into a tool that expands access to economic opportunity for artisans in underserved communities,  connecting global artisans directly to international consumers for the first time ever. This new technology revolutionizes international trade, cutting out the middlemen to create economic opportunity, reducing logistical costs and increasing profits for artisans.

"This is the first time these artisans have had access to the international marketplace. It's also the first time you've had direct access to them! The products are a radical departure from the familiar "designed by europeans, produced by Africans" model. These pieces are African design, African crafted..." 

 Intrigued? Find out more here.


Monday, October 21

Hey guys, so I had every intention of spending today catching you guys up a bit on my Cape Cod trip but when this jumpsuit from J.Pearl Couture arrived, well that went out the door. So more on the Cape later but for now I'm thinking I'm a happy girl in black and white.

Jumpsuit: J. Pearl Couture, gifted. (Grazie Jasmine)
Sandals: Seen here previously
Earrings, Aldo: seen here previously


Friday, October 18

You know how you can just look at a band and immediately wanna know what they're about- yeah I'm superficial like that. Anyways, this crew has a funky 60's vibe with a modern twist- if that makes any sense. Sometimes I try real hard to pinpoint a sound with as many adjectives as I can come up with. Honestly, sometimes it's easiest to just hit Play. Check out Lucius.

Top 2 image credits: Peter Larson


She's so lovely indeed. With her hair cut low and her dark glowing skin, I can't get enough of Danai Gurira. Catch her on Walking Dead (obsessed I am) or better yet, check out the indie movie Mother of George.  What a Gem.

Images via InstyleMagazine
See the rest of images and her feature in the October issue of Instyle Magazine.


Thursday, October 17

At just 21 years old, Emma Agese is the founder of her own beauty line, Agese Oils.  Inspired by a desire to create natural but affordable skin and haircare products, Emma applied for and received a £2,500 (approx $5,000) startup loan. With it, she went to work, travelling to India for 10 weeks to source her ingredients.  I'm always so proud to see a young woman going out there and making things happen for herself. I'm happy Emma could take a minute to share her experiences so far. Let's meet Emma.

What changes would you like to see in the beauty industry?
My concept of business is a very straightforward one. I believe business should be conducted under the basic principal of love. I treat the people I work with as well as I would my closest friends (not the silly familiarity jokes, I always maintain a work boundary but in terms of truly wanting the best for them). I think if the industry concepts and ideas stemmed from this basis many challenges which the industry faces today would be a thing of the past. This is where I get passionate, if you look at some of the bigger firms in the industry, (no names mentioned) they are fully aware of the harm some ingredients they use in their cosmetics cause, they sell these products to millions all over the world, taking no time out to educate people that the products they are using can one day be a factor to the reason why they developed cancer, or the reason why their eczema just never seems to be going away. I would like to see more education going on. 

What one piece of advice would you give any person starting out?
Do it! Everything we see today was accomplished by a "mere" or "great" human just like you! You're half way there just by having a mind that can think! You are more than capable.

With British Prime Minister, David Cameron
What are your plans for the future with Agese Oils?
My idea of the future of Agese Oils is a very long list! We have many exciting things planned. It's our core vision to make every lady's beauty habit a healthy one, it's very apparent that women all over the world are wising up to the ingredients they use daily. I can't spill much but behind the scenes we're working on some interesting things to facilitate this. The US is not far off on our agenda either! (Shhh)

For fun: some fill in the blanks
I can't get through the day without ...... Checking my emails. Even on holiday! It's bad. 
I'm currently reading....... About Bees (it's not a book), I'm a little captivated by them at present.
My favorite music artists are ........ It changes every month! Currently Mariah Carey & Sinach

I'm lusting after ......  
great scrubs & body muds, statement bracelets & necklaces for my winter wears

My dream vacation would be ...... I'm still yet to visit Thailand, I absolutely adore Thai food + beautiful scenery + lovely spas + rich culture + shopping = perfection. It'd be a two week trip. 2 days spent in absolute luxury and 10 days living with a Thai local (comfortable living), I love experiencing the "truth" of any country I visit. Then the last two days back in a luxury hotel, with spas etc. (I feel ya)

Well, I just want to thank Emma Agese for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this and she's offered up for any one of you the chance to win ONE item of your choice, she'll ship it ANYWHERE which is a biggie.  Be it the Face Glow, the Skin Silk or the Hair Gold, just follow the instructions below- pretty straightforward.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Somehow I happened upon this CNN list of the best foods of the world from 2 years ago. I was a little miffed that many of my personal picks didn't make the list. As if anyone cared or asked me, I took it upon myself to put together my very own list. I decided to cut it down to 30, cos I realized that there's so much food from around the world, that I have never even tried. Also, I decided to keep it to no more than 2 foods from any one country, as I wanted list to be as diverse and represent as many regions as possible.

Lastly, this is going to be a 3 part series. The list is already done and completed and I would love to see your comments and challenges. I hope no one leaves a comment that causes me to rethink my list. Anyhoo, don’t be quick to judge because you won’t know till the very end whether I included or excluded your faves.
So lets begin with numbers 30 through 21.

30.  Swedish meatballs

Ok, so i'm not a Swedish meatball expert by any means, but you know you it's gotta be good when you brave the craziness that is IKEA Brooklyn because you felt like some Swedish meatballs for lunch, with some gravy and lingonberry sauce, how can you lose. And to those who feel this isn't up to par with fancier cuisine (like Marcus Samuelson version formerly of Acquavit) or more authentic versions, I really don't care cos all I know is a furniture store version makes me want to visit the actual country to have a real plate prepared by a Swedish grandma.

29.  Moroccan lamb tagine

I had a Moroccan roommate, she hooked me up and she knew what she was doing, that's all I have to say. Just think of it, a slow cooked stew cooked in clay pot, lamb cooked to a buttery tenderness, with spices I don't even know how to spell, served over some perfectly cooked couscous. I need to stop right now. 

28.  Spanish Paella (Spain)

Throw all the meat and seafood you can think of in one heaping not quite a mess of rice, olive oil and flavorbombed with saffron and other seasoning. Are you feeling me yet. To be completely honest, I loved eating Paella in Barcelona but next time I'll skip adding rabbit in there (I find rabbit a bit gamey for my tastebuds). But besides that, could I have some more please. 

27.  Czech trdelnik

It's spinning right before your eyes on some kind of contraption that you don't quite understand, it smells amazing and you know you're getting it freshly made. You got your sugar, you've got walnuts, some even had coconut, almond toppings or nutella spread inside your trdelnik. I already talked about how it was my favorite food in Prague. When I returned I yelped and googled to see if anyone anywhere in NYC (most diverse city in the world) made some trdelnik. I'm still looking. 

26.  Indian Gulab jamun

Cheese, seriously? How is that cheese. After devouring the very sweet. warm doused in syrupy goodness gulab jamun for the first time some years back in Jackson Heights, I refused to believe that those little golden brown balls were actually cheese. To be honest, I still don't get it. All I know is that after a super spicy meal, I love capping it off with none other than this. Come to think of it, I think I know what I'm going to be seamlessing tonight.

25.  Ethiopian wat

Cos we all know the best meals are enjoyed when you get to eat and dig in together and use your hands, the only utensils you'll ever need. To be quite honest, my first few experiences with Ethiopian food left much to be desired. It would have been really sad if I stopped there. Thank goodness, I was convinced to try again in Washington D.C. There just so happens to be a huge Ethiopian community in D.C. which of course means, you're more likely to get the authentic stuff.  Just get a variety of wat (stews) meat or vegetarian served on injera. Also, try not to look for the fanciest place, just look for the place where the Ethiopians go. Lord have mercy.

24.  Classic British sausage roll

I'm talking about the real basic 60p version. I did a work abroad program in London the year before starting law school. I was as broke as could be, but as long as I had 60pence, I was good. This stuff is so wrong, I don't even know what's really in it. It's greasy as can be and the salt and fat in it, I'll stop right there. But boy oh boy, what I'd do for some of that right now. I know it's important to eat good food and whats good for you, yada yada yada. But sometimes ain't nothing else that would do but an early morning, mid afternoon, late night sausage roll. I think my former flatmates will agree. Shout-out to North London (Wood Green y'all).

23.  Cameroonian Puff puff (beignets)

No, I' m not double posting, Cameroonian puff puff does bear a striking resemblance to Indian Gulab Jamun. They have absolutely nothing else in common besides looks. This is the stuff I grew up on. It worked for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I prefer it as a dinner option with a side of beans or hot sauce. In the morning, you could sprinkle sugar over it or have it with Pap. I don't know how to explain Pap, you may just have to google that.  It's really just 4 basic ingredients: flour, water, yeast and sugar. Deep fry those suckers. It seems easy enough, but there was always one Mami who knew how to make it better than all the other ladies, whose little round balls came out the exact perfect size and the same color. Watching it being made on the side of the road (cos after all, it is truly street food, even tho' many make at home), it's truly some kinda art form. I vote that there should be a Cameroonian reality show, Top Puff Puff. 

22.  Thai green curry

When did Thai food overtake Chinese food as takeout of choice. I don't know if you feel that way but that's what it seems like on this end. I'm lucky that NYC has some really really good Thai food. You must be thinking, what about pad thai, or pad kee mao or massaman curry, well those are all great, but for me, that green stuff, especially when they're generous with the heat.  It's also quite easy to replicate a good one at home. There's nothing else that tastes quite like it. Lime leaves, cilantro, coconut milk, how can you go wrong. No, I'm seriously asking, how can you go wrong?

21.  Portuguese rotisserie chicken

Truth be told, when I talk about Portuguese chicken, I'm really just picturing and thinking about Romados, a Portuguese spot in Montreal. We almost cried during our last trip there when we found out they had been closed due to a fire. We tried another Portuguese which was still really good just not exceptional. Romados is the standard by which all others are measured. I'm not even a chicken fan, the hubby can attest to that, so to see me licking my fingers and asking for more....that should tell you something. So much of its goodness is the sauce that they just slather all over the chicken and fries. You could use a knife and fork, but I'm calling this one finger food. 

So there's 21- 30. I know, I know, you have your doubts, but there's still 20 dishes to go from all around the world and you might be surprised by what staples and non staples show up.

Disclaimer: images used found from different sources all over the Internet
and are assumed to be in public domain and are displayed under the fair use principle

Tuesday, October 15

This husband wife team brings you skin care that is truly 100% natural. Their line is one of the most popular ones on Etsy with solid 5 star reviews and excellent feedback. They source the finest natural materials, making products that are luxurious and all natural by combining essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals to restore skin to its optimum health and vitality.

Find more .


Monday, October 14

Hey y'all, I had to schedule this post because I knew come Monday morning I would be on the road on my way back from a weekend in Cape Cod. First time making it to Martha's vineyard. I can't wait to share, hopefully I bring back stories worth sharing. Anyhoo, it's Monday, most of you are off, hope u having an awfully fun long weekend. Laters.

Heads up, check back in later this week for a fun feature and giveaway.
UPDATE: everyone's been asking, how could I forget. The pumps are last season Zara: purchased for $39 during their semi-annual sale. 

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