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Friday, March 21

If you've heard this one before, why on earth didn't you share?
Ok I won't put the blame on ya but this is one of those catchy tunes that grabs you almost instantly.
I hate it when I find someone I like and have so little music/information on them.
Few quick stats:
Liberian mother, American Father, born in Rhode Island (go Newport), raised in Sweden (Go Stockholm), started out as a rapper (WHAT???)
I'll be setting a google alert for this one.
Whatcha think?


  1. March 21, 2014

    This morning I was listening to the radio (satelite because mainstream radio sucks liquid balls)...anyway...A song called "Distance" by Emily King came on and I literally said out loud (to Zara who only speaks the language of spit bubbles and goo goo ga ga), "Who is this?!"

    I loved it. And then I thought Cyn would so love this! Not sure if you have done a post or heard of her....but check it out!

    have a great weekend!
    (P.S...how does one ramble in a comment? lol)

  2. March 21, 2014

    I like it. She reminds me a bit of Kelis.

  3. March 21, 2014

    Liking new music Fridays...

  4. March 21, 2014

    "If you've heard this one before, why on earth didn't you share?"
    My bad. lol
    Better late than never! Right?

    • March 21, 2014

      BTW, check out Ella Eyre.

  5. March 22, 2014

    Very nice thanks for sharing.


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