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Wednesday, June 11

Today's Day in the Life belongs to Becca of The Style Remedy

7:30AM to 8:00AM – First morning alarm goes off. With squinted eyes, I scroll through Instagram to give me that jolt of [fashion] inspiration I so need to get me moving.

8:00AM to 8:20AM – I need coffee. Brew, baby, brew! Prep lunch, fill my coffee cup and get started on the daily beauty routine: SPF 50 BB cream, winged eyeliner, subtle gold/brown eye shadow, bronzer and my trusty hair straightener. Spritz on some perfume and arm myself with my jewelry for the day.

8:20AM to 8:30AM – Time to take the little monster on his morning walk. Why did that lady feel the need to point out that Beemer’s a “big” chihuahua? He’s not fat, he’s... sturdy.

8:40AM to 9:00AM – The half a mile walk to the subway station is somewhat of a obstacle course. Dodge the dog poop on the left, watch out for the small child on the scooter on the right, overtake the businessman enveloped in work email coming through his iPhone that’s walking with his head down.

9:00AM to 12:00PM – Finally arrive to the hospital, check phone messages and work email. Have any of my patients checked in? Yes, here. Throw on my white coat and head downstairs to the clinic.  Prep my note while they’re getting their vitals taken. Spending one-on-one time with patients to counsel them on their medications fulfills me. Being a part of the healthcare team that manages their chronic disease states, including diabetes and high blood pressure, inspires me.

12:00PM to 1:00PM – Matt comes over to the office to meet me for lunch (lucky for me, he works in the same hospital). Lunch today is last night’s leftovers, lemon pepper baked chicken with broccoli and potatoes. We’re still discussing last Game of Thrones episode.

1:00PM to 5:00PM - Check email and phone messages again. Call in prescriptions, prior authorizations to insurance companies, remind patients of their upcoming clinic appointments, meetings and it’s almost time to call it a day!

6:00PM to 7:00PM - I’m loving these long summer days. I plan my outfit in my head for a quick photo shoot after walking Beemer again. Which blog spot is it going to be today? You see what I did there?

7:00PM to 8:00PM – Oh, motivation where are you? I put on my headphones and turn it up full blast and look to Drake and Beyonce for gym-spiration as I walk to spinning class. I loove to get 2 on..

8:00PM to 9:00PM – What day is it today? Oh well, I’m still making taco salad for dinner. Taco Mondays just doesn’t sound as good as Taco Tuesdays though.

10:00PM to 12:00AM – So full and tired, but so excited about editing today’s photos. Just one more edit, then I’ll get ready for bed. I promise..

How does she do it all?
I quite literally felt inspired to try harder reading all that she accomplishes in a day.
Working out, blog shoots, chatting about Game of Thrones (how insane was last weeks episode?),
not to mention WORK.
Thanks to Becca for letting us take a peak.

So what's a day in your Life?


  1. June 11, 2014

    Talk about a busy life! She has great style!

  2. nancy @ adore to adornJune 11, 2014

    this is such a fun post. I love glimpsing into someone's day. What a superstar she is!

  3. June 11, 2014

    Wonderful post! In spite her very busy life she still manages to look stylish. She is inspiring.

  4. June 12, 2014

    very stylish indeed it doesnt matter how busy a person is but looking stylish is a must for lovers of fashion

  5. June 12, 2014

    Lovely post and something different from the usual stuff I read. I agree, I don't know how she does it and still looks amazing. It's time for me to work harder!




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  7. RosieJune 13, 2014

    I love these post

  8. cbcd8ff4-8fb8-11e3-90c8-000bcdcb5194June 13, 2014

    Wait! You get dressed in the 10 minutes between returning from walking Beemer and leaving for the subway station? I'm impressed! Spinning class after work? I feel like a sloth. Love your gladiator sandals! Love your heels!! Love your style!!! Thanks for sharing "A Day in Her Life." Thanks SimplyCyn for the series.


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