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Friday, February 28

Am I old enough to proclaim the good old days?
Tell me your fave music from the 90's.


Thursday, February 27

As promised, here's your chance to win your very own personalized Pebbled or python leather clutch.
Gigi New York makes lots of great bags with genuine leather and I'm really excited that they decided to sponsor a giveaway.

As seen on bloggers

As always, I'm using Rafflecopter for this giveaway and there's a few options on how to Enter.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Monday, February 24

Everything's looking up... it was just about the most perfect weekend. I played mega-catchup with my fave cousin, cooked for the week, cleared out a mini mess I had created, called home. I actually accomplished every single thing on my to do list (well- I didn't get to laundry but I'm not counting that one). 

The hubby had recently given me a Zara giftcard (he knows me so well). I didn't think there was anything worth getting left on the sale racks, but I was pleasantly surprised and managed to grab all 3 items here for $19.99 each. Yup, the jumpsuit, the pumps, the waterfall faux leather and lace jacket were all under $20. That's why I'm cheesing.

Also, a big Thank you to Gigi New York, they sent me the lovely turquoise embossed python leather clutch you see below. And guess what, there'll be a giveaway later this week, where you can win your very own, and they'll monogram it for you if you like as well. 

Don't forget to return to blog later this week for your chance to win your very own embossed python leather clutch valued at $125.00.

Oh and P.S. - many people were interested in doing a DAY in the life. I hope to share mine soon and if you want to send me yours with pics or no pics, please go ahead and email me at It could be a little fun project.



Sunday, February 23

I try to avoid repeating artists, cos well there's a lot of music out there. I decided to go ahead and make an exception for Kat Dahlia (previous post here).  I hate to start with a disclaimer, it's not an exceptionally original song or anything like that, but it's fun and I like the beat, I like her voice... on second thought, scratch the disclaimer, seems like I'm making excuses for what I think it's a pretty cool track. Check it:


Shop AsiyamiGold Here.


Monday, February 17

It's cold. It refuses to stop snowing and no I'm not complaining. I'm beyond that at this point. It's actually quite nice to see everyone united in their frustration with the weather.

I'm just happy I have nowhere to go today (thanks Presidents day). Guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to marathon House of Cards- love that show. And with whatever time's left, I'm going figure out how to tame this hair and lastly cook up something healthy for the week (thanks Melissa for the Insta inspiration).



Friday, February 14

It's that unfortunate time of year when the world gets wonky and corny about Love. I'll try to keep it short and steer clear of being too syrupy sweet. Who am I kidding? I can't do this with a straight face. This is our when we met song, our dating song, (our I still had straight hair song) ... almost 9 years ago, it started with this song.



Wednesday, February 12

It's good to be back. I'm not staying away that long again. I have really missed blogging and I didn't really realize it until I sat down at the computer.

Last week for reasons I mentioned in my previous post (new gig and all), I was simply too mentally exhausted to read, catch up on TV shows, play diner dash or do anything much as I sat on train for my early morning and evening commutes. Instead I sat there trying to imagine the life story of the person sitting across from me, sharing a pole with me or standing quite literally on top of me.

I wondered if their lives were at all like I would imagine or if they divert completely from anything I could possibly conjure. The lady handing over the chocolate croissant to the young boy, what does she do? Where does she live? The man in the super sharp suit but dirty shoes. Was there a story behind that, how does he live, what's a day in his life like? Or the lady who looked positively broken, beaten down, sad and terrified... Was this just a bad day, a bad moment or a hard life. I couldn't know for sure.  It's not about judgment, it's just a healthy dose of curiosity.

As I played this little exercise in my head, one I'm sure I'm not alone in doing (people watching is a thing), I wondered what people think when they look at me. I wondered about their assumptions, if their versions come close to the truth. And that led me to thinking about how we present ourselves everyday and all the different layers and the little truths and untruths.

I guess everyone sometimes or somehow fakes it. The office persona you put on sometimes even unknowingly, the voice and tone when you're on an important phone call and want to make sure you're taken seriously. The way we dress when we know we're going to be seen or watched versus the way we are at home.

So I thought to try a little exercise, share one very real day in my life, not the edited version I normally share on here. Then I realized that I just might bore people to death, not enough happens in any one day to make for a remotely interesting read. But bore you I will, or at least I'll try. One day in my life, coming up soon...all the gory details. I invite anyone who wants to join in this exercise to let me know- I would love yo share your stories too.

Zara sweater: $12.99 SALE
Zara pumps: $59.90 $19.99 SALE
denim: Century 21 from eons ago


I am absolutely loving this blog. When I visit, I just want to read more and more books.  Bookshy is a lover of books and has used her blog as a great platform to promote African literature. Like me she grew up on Famous Five (I was hooked on everything Enid Blyton....Secret Seven anyone) and Babysitter's club. In a recent post, she highlighted what is apparently a popular French comic following the misadventures of a naughty West African girl called Akissi (my life, no lie I had that hairstyle!!). This comic has finally been published in English, but I want a copy in every language for every little or grown girl I know. 

Check out Akissi and definitely bookmark Bookshy as well as her  for more great reads from the continent.

images via  and flyingeyebooks


Thursday, February 6

That was an unexpected blog break.  It wasn’t my intention to go M.I.A. for this long but as the saying goes. Life Happens.

To be more specific, I recently moved from my job of 6 plus years for a completely new, challenging and different gig. I am excited, nervous and everything else you can think of when starting something new. I didn’t realize how exhausting and stressful the last 2 weeks would be. Cleaning up, clearing out, saying goodbyes. I know Change is good, but boy is it scary sometimes. I just remind myself that it’s such a blessing, one that literally fell in my lap. 
Unfortunately, in that craziness of a life change, I neglected the blog (would literally get home from work and crash). Anyways, you guys have been really great, I’ve even received sweet emails from people making sure I’m fine. Didn’t’ mean to scare anyone- my absence has been for a good cause. Things will get back to normal real soon on here, I’m just getting used to the changes.

In the meanwhile, I did a mini collab with International clothing brand Barbour to highlight one of my fave places in NYC- DUMBO- Brooklyn, since y’all haven’t seen me in a while, here’s the quick vid above featuring MOI.


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