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Monday, March 31

So this weekend decided to be nice enough in terms of temperature but wet as heck (pics don't show but it was either raining or drizzling most weekend). Which of course meant that my hair; well my hair just did whatever the heck it is that it does when it gets wet. I remember someone told me it must be nice to be natural so I don't worry about the rain or my hair getting wet. That's only partially true. It's not that I worry about it getting wet, it's just that I have no idea what I'm going to end up with- you just gotta rock this kinda hair like you don't care and as if it's on purpose. 

And then it was off to Brunch at Hunter's in Brooklyn.
Even if it's just so you can say you tried it, order the Elvis French Toast... 
It's crunchy on the outside, warm gooey peanut butter on the inside, topped with bananas, so Yum.
The burger was also really good, although I have to admit, I felt everything on their menu was a tad overpriced...but that's what you can expect in this neighborhood these days. 

And with that...I'm off


Caro made me do it T-shirt: thanks to Allen&Fifth
Gap Short Trench: $98  $58 (40% Off sale)
Scarf and Bag: Zara
Shoes: Seychelles, similar here and here.


Friday, March 28

Who is ?


Wednesday, March 26

By Christopher Myers via the NYTimes

I wish I didn't have to wait to read this NYTimes article to ask myself that question. It's just one of those things that I might have unwittingly taken for granted or not really questioned. Of 3,200 children’s books published in 2013, just 93 were about black people, according to a study by the Cooperative Children’s Book Center at the University of Wisconsin. It's not that I didn't notice- I did, I think we all know.

I loved loved to read books growing up. I was the happiest little thing with my comic books, (Tintin, Asterix) and my pre-teen books, Nancy Drew and Sweet Valley High etc.  I would get beyond excited, like an unpopular girl finally allowed to the dance if there was a chance that the girl that was just described in my read of the week; brown skin, curly hair, was a girl just like me. I would picture her and think it was me. I loved DC and Marvel comics and obsessed over the X-men series, maybe more than the rest because even though I didn't have any superpowers, maybe I could, because there was a strong character like Storm- beautiful, warrior, African.

It happened with everything; with books, magazines, movies, TV.  Like when Vivica Fox guest starred on Beverly Hills 90210 (some of you might remember that) - I remember how major that was. It's a little telling, that as a young girl, without even realizing it, I was on this search for validation or inclusion.  I had this lovely friend in college, who I don't think was trying to be offensive, asked why there was a need for Black centric magazines like Essence or Ebony. She felt those magazines were more divisive and unnecessary. She felt we were all so above color but I had to remind her that while I could read all the mainstream magazines in the world (and still do), there's a lot to being a black girl that Cosmopolitan magazine (as an example of many and not to pick on them specifically) did not care to address. What was the right makeup for my complexion, the best products for my hair, my culture, pictures of women who looked like me as beautiful and not mere tokenism, but that's besides the point. I guess the problem is, we get older, start to understand more about how the world works, and for many of us, you shrug it off, find your space in this world, you keep it moving. But that shouldn't be the case, especially not for children.

I applaud all writers who strive to be more inclusive in their storytelling and to see that the world and it's diversity is probably the most amazing and beautiful thing we've got going. I realize that our stories will not come from elsewhere, not because they are not possible, but because so much about writing is personal and that most stories about people of color, will come from people of color. 

I feel a particular pressure to say support people of color, and I don't just mean stories for black people by black people. Exposure to the world, to the experiences of others.  I think of my nieces and I want them to read it all- I love that there's Harry Potter, but what about Unoma (if any other West Africans remember this?) or Gene Luen Yang's American Born Chinese. Everyone's story is important and all children (Asian, Hispanic, Black, White) more than anyone else need to know this because it's not just a disservice to one group but to all. 

This quote from Wesley Yang:
Here is what I sometimes suspect my face signifies to other Americans: an invisible person, barely distinguishable from a mass of faces that resemble it. A conspicuous person standing apart from the crowd and yet devoid of any individuality. An icon of so much that the culture pretends to honor but that it in fact patronizes and exploits. Not just people “who are good at math” and play the violin, but a mass of stifled, repressed, abused, conformist quasi-robots who simply do not matter, socially or culturally.

Do you see how easy it would be to change a few words in there and we could be talking about a black boy or a brown boy or anyone from anywhere that we have not taken the time to think of more than at a stereotypical level. Would it help, if as children we had been exposed to more than just generalizations but actual stories of human beings? 

I had no intention when I sat down to write this much. In fact, as you might have already noticed, it's been a little quiet this week on the blog front, just one of those weeks.

So here's what - in the comments, please share a book about people of color and while children's books will be preferred, you can share young adult or any books you think young people should be reading... hey we all read Shakespeare in our teens if not earlier for some of you brainiacs out there. Highlight any authors that you think deserve a nod. I would love to compile a list to share.

 So happy I wrote this. Wouldn't have know that one of my faves, God'SFaveShoes is right now writing a children's book, I can't wait to see the outcome and another fave, Sharee Kendall Miller, the amazing illustrator and now storyteller please show your support.


Friday, March 21

If you've heard this one before, why on earth didn't you share?
Ok I won't put the blame on ya but this is one of those catchy tunes that grabs you almost instantly.
I hate it when I find someone I like and have so little music/information on them.
Few quick stats:
Liberian mother, American Father, born in Rhode Island (go Newport), raised in Sweden (Go Stockholm), started out as a rapper (WHAT???)
I'll be setting a google alert for this one.
Whatcha think?


Tuesday, March 18

They have a knack for copying high end looks for much less and doing it oh so well. 
Which is why they are my go to. 
Many a designer has let their hatred of Zara be known.
So, I really shouldn't be surprised by their antics this season, but boy are they getting bold with it. 

Celine SS2014

Zara copies Celine from $49.90 - $79.90


Monday, March 17

One Fine Monday

6.15AM:   The alarm goes off and like a well trained robot, I shut that sucker down. It's my mandatory snooze.

6.30AM:  here we go again, I'm going to have to wake up, because I know if I don't, then it'll be the awful chain reaction whereby I'm stuck on a rush hour train with the high school kids and I'll hate my life.

6.45AM:   I'm still in bed playing out the god awful scenario in my head, my head knows I should move but my body refuses.

6.50AM:  I jump out. I think to myself about one of my best girlfriends, I'm sure that chick has already completed a  full workout and downed a veggie smoothie and I'm still dragging. 

7.15AM:  with the basics of showering, brushing and face scrubbing out the way, it's time to get presentable. The quickie moisturizing routine could be better but I'm just going to be using it till I finish the bottles. I turn the TV to some morning show- I used to swear by Pat on NY1 but since we decided to cancel Time Warner Cable that's no more.

7.25AM:  I've been staring at my hair for 10 minutes now, what the heck am I gonna do with this mess today.

7.30AM:  Crap it's snowing, I'm tired of boots and socks and these boots don't go with these pants and if I wear the tights- it would look odd and I have that meeting so I should probably wear a suit...

7.45AM:  somehow I figured it all out, Snag a kiss from the hubby who I'm sure has only had to ask himself one question this morning while I have been though 99. And I'm out the door.

7.45 - 8.30AM: the commute and train thoughts. She looks nice, he put that together nicely, step away from my personal space, are we seriously stalled, AGAIN? This chick right here needs to stop yelling, I should get a work bag just like that, much more professional than the one I have... Almost at office, I should check insta before I get to work.

8.30AM: Office arrival. My favorite time at office cos it tends to be the most productive. This is before the noise and chaos. I go down my daily To-Do list, check my emails, make sure all inquiries replied to, listen to voicemail and then time to figure out if I'll be good (fruit and yogurt) or bad (Sausage, egg and cheese on a bagel). So many decisions...
       ---------- and that's just the first 2 hours of the day ----------------

Check back in next time for a tiny chunk of a day in my life.

Weekend Look Deets
Polka dot Blouse: H&M  $10
Necklace:  Zara    $12.99
Faux leather Jacket: F21
Wide Leg pants: GAP, Several years old


Sunday, March 16

ASOS Longline Trench
Even though I currently have my 4 year old Zara trench which is in Ok condition, I have been searching for a new trench for what feels like a long minute. Ideally, I would love to get a classic Burberry one, but I'm not quite ready to commit to spending 4 figures on a trench coat.  Just when I thought I could grab the above ASOS one for a steal, they sold out of my size. Here, are a few more I'm eyeing at the moment:

1.  Romwe Trench

and a few more options:

Wednesday, March 12

Beautiful Art prints by the very talented Kiki Elice.
Shout-Out to Blog Reader Adrienne C. for putting me on to her.
Go to check out Kiki's Etsy shop and here to Order Prints on Stretched Canvas 


Monday, March 10

Saturday went by so fast. Of course it went by fast, it was glorious.
Everyone was outside and I mean everyone
I even got to see my neighbors who I think had been hibernating like everyone else. 

I'm a happy camper

Aldo Boots   
Bad Outfit Sweatshirt   Gifted by NylonMag


Friday, March 7

She hasn't quite released her first full album yet 
but if you get your free iTunes tracks you might have discovered her already. 
Quiet but powerful, soft yet intense. 
This is my kind of music. Can't wait to see what more she's got. 


Thursday, March 6

Because it's almost time to switch gears. 
Spring needs to get here ASAP. And when it does, I'll be ready.
So here's a heads up. ASOS is having 20% OFF all sale items
Many of which would be perfect for SPRING.


Wednesday, March 5

I love jumpsuits. I might actually have a problem. I don't care what people say. I don't care that you have to get almost half undressed if you need to use the ladies. I don't care that some people find them silly and all. Jumpsuits, playsuits, grown-up onesies, whatever you wanna call them. I can't get enough.

Here are a few good jumpsuits on the cheap:

And a Few More:



Because the NYTimes said this:

...the greatest joy of reading Oyeyemi will always be style: jagged and capricious at moments, lush and rippled at others, always singular, like the voice-over of a fever dream. 

And the LATimes said this:

The risks that Helen Oyeyemi takes in her fifth novel, "Boy, Snow, Bird," are astonishing in their boldness.

Because she's a wanderer:

Oyeyemi is from Strange Times. Raised in Britain by Nigerian parents, the 29-year-old five-time novelist isn’t even affiliated with a single home anymore: London, New York, Berlin, Barcelona, Budapest, Prague — who knows where she is doing her thing at any given moment? 

There's also the part about this book being a creative riff on fairy tale Snow White.
I want to know this chick. Has anyone read any of her other stuff? Has anyone read this?


Monday, March 3

I can't say much else about this weekend besides the fact that it took me a full hour to come out from underneath my tears after Lupita Nyong'o's Oscar win last night. I was moved beyond words, it really touched me when she said no matter where you're from, your dreams are valid. I remember being a little girl growing up in Cameroon with big dreams about the future- the things I wanted to do, the person I hoped I'd be. I'm so glad that I have already been blessed beyond words and to see stories like Lupita's, I think of all my talented friends and peers, my co-dreamers and I realize you can never stop dreaming, striving and reminding yourself that so much is possible.  

For all the Dreamers (dreams big and small)

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